+353 (0) 87 261 3919


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To my online space for my work, professional experience, projects and writing – encompassing both home and professional life.

Living a more simple life

Introverted by nature, with a desire to build a life of authentic fulfillment in the wilds of rural western Ireland.

A simpler life more aligned to the need of planet and myself to nurture creativty & growth own my own terms.

Paths less travelled

Projects and background about my home, its land and the surrounding areas




Professional Experience

With a diverse range of professional and lived experiences to draw from ranging from Technical IT to roles, to Project Management, Sales, Coaching and most recently Web Design, I have learned much through the years – all of which helps me provide an unusual persective and insight

Having lived in, travelled independently through and worked across a range of countries, including the UK, Ireland, South Korea, China, Canada and the US, I have a experienced and learned much about cultures, politics and myself.

In my personal life, so many topics interest me from International Relations (politics, culture and economies) to design in everything, to gaming, to neuro-divergency and biodiversity. Someone who always needs something to be curious about.



Living a life more attuned and dedicated to my own values. The sorts of values I would hope are held in equal importance by others: Integrity, Accountability, Responsibility, Equality and Inclusion. All with independent, critical thinking. And a little humour.

(Above)  A view of almost mirror-like waters on Loch Na Phooey, Co Mayo, 2021

(Left) A couple of deer spotted on my drive, Spring, 2023

Joe Hendley

From The Blog

On the Coaching industry

On the Coaching industry

A deeply subjective critique of the coaching industry by me, someone who has been a coach since 2016 – primarily a hybrid of Life & Business coaching.

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Plotting a different course

Plotting a different course

On the eve of starting (another) new course, and a(nother) new direction for income generation. Notes from my CV and notes on ADHD (possibly) brains – on getting bored, on frustration, imposter syndrome, and multiple “career” changes. And acceptance that this is the way for some people.

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Two years in Ireland

Two years in Ireland

Two years ago on the Thursday (26 Oct 2023) just passed this week I drove my very packed car onto the “final” ferry crossing from Holyhead (Wales) to Dublin. Some notes of my experiences and observations of the world here.

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